ICSG Student Wins a Best Paper Award

Posted on June 12, 2009

Duo Ding, a student of Professor David Pan,  won the Best Student Paper Award at the ICICDT 2009 for his paper titled “Machine Learning Based Lithographic Hotspot Detection with Critical Feature Extraction and Classification”.

Ranjit Gharpurey Delivers a Tutorial at ISCCC 2009

Posted on January 12, 2009

Professor Ranjit Gharpurey gives a tutorial at ISCCC 2009 on Managing Linearity
in Radio Front-Ends
.  ISCCC is the leading IC design conference. http://www.miracd.com/isscc2009/WebAp/sunday.htm

Michael Orshansky Delivers a Tutorial at ASP-DAC 2009

Posted on January 10, 2009

Professor Michael Orshansky gives a tutorial on statistical analysis and design methods at the Asia-South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2009) in Yokohama, Japahn (http://www.aspdac.com/aspdac2009/tutorial/#tu3).

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