VLSI Seminar: Dennis Sylvester

Posted on September 9, 2009

Professor Dennis Sylvester
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 
September 15, 2009, 11-12:30am.
 Avaya Auditorium (ACE 2.302)

Circuit design advances for wireless sensing applications
 This talk describes new integrated circuit building blocks for emerging wireless sensing applications, particularly those where volume, and therefore power consumption, constraints are orders of magnitude below current state of the art.  Developments in sub-nW timekeeping circuits are described, along with extremely low leakage memories and efficient DC-DC voltage conversion circuits at µA-level current loads.  Taken together, these circuit design advances point to a vision of true mm^3 low-cost sensing nodes with hybrid power sources, i.e., scavenged + microbattery, providing long lifetimes and reliable operation.

Austin Conference on Integrated Systems & Circuits (ACISC)

Posted on September 2, 2009

ICSG is proud to be a co-organizer of the 4th annual Austin Conference on Integrated Systems & Circuits (ACISC). A rich two-day program of keynote addresses, tutorials, invited talks, and panels targets the local Austin technical community and has been attracting an increasing attention nationally and internationally (http://www.acisc.org/). The conference will take place on Oct 26-27, 2009 in the Pickle Research Center at UT Austin.

Arjang Hassibi Organizes Workshop on Biosensors

Posted on September 1, 2009

Professor Hassibi organizes a workshop on “Modeling Challenges for Biotechnological Sensors (Biosensors) Leveraging TCAD for New Applications”  http://www.cerc.utexas.edu/~arjang/sispad/ as part of SISPAD 2009.

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