Joint WNCG/ICS Seminar: Mr. Jayachandran

Posted on April 22, 2010

Praveen Jayachandran
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thursday, April 29, 10:00am, ENS 637

Feasible Region Calculus: A Reduction-based Schedulability Theory for Distributed Real-Time Systems

The diminishing size and cost of hardware has led to a recurrent trend of growing scale and complexity in several classes of systems such as embedded systems, server farms, cyber-physical systems, ad hoc wireless networks, and sensor networks. Avionics and automotive systems are heading towards increased automation, with several stages of processing for various real-time tasks within a distributed computing environment. Each search query answered by Google, typically goes through thirty different stages of computation, with the server farm itself comprising of thousands of processors. Manufacturing plants in every industry have tens of specialized servers, producing hundreds of parts that follow different routes through the system. Cyber-physical systems, as an umbrella term for various personal and military applications, has gained a lot of momentum, with the NSF identifying it as a key focus area for research. An important and extremely challenging problem in such systems is to compose end-to-end properties such as delay, throughput, stability, robustness, security, and functional correctness, from those of their individual components.

As part of my doctoral research, I have addressed this compositional problem for a broad category of timing properties. The theory we are developing, which we call Feasible Region Calculus, provides a fundamental understanding of the end-to-end delay of work flows that share resources within the system. A guiding philosophy of the theory has been to develop reduction rules, similar to circuit theory and control theory, that enable the distributed system to be transformed to an equivalent hypothetical centralized processor system for the purposes of analysis, such that the end-to-end properties are preserved. The transformation significantly reduces the complexity and improves the accuracy of the analysis with increasing system scale. While we have successfully demonstrated this reduction-based approach to the analysis of end-to-end delay in large distributed systems and networks, we have only scratched the surface of a largely unexplored territory. I wish to generalize this approach to the study of other important end-to-end properties in distributed systems and networks. Further, I envision that the scope of the theory can be extended to realms outside computing, such as project management as well.

Joint WNCG/ICS Seminar: Prof. Sobelman

Posted on April 10, 2010

Prof. Gerald E. Sobelman
University of Minnesota
Friday, April 16, 12:00pm, ENS 637

Flexible Baseband Architectures for Wireless Communications

Flexibility and efficiency will be key design requirements for future communications transceivers. Systems must be reconfigurable and adaptable in order to minimize power and maximize throughput as environmental conditions and user requirements change. This lecture will present digital baseband architectures and design techniques to achieve these goals for several types of wireless communications systems, including multiple-carrier (OFDM), multiple-antenna (MIMO) and multiple-algorithm (SDR) systems.

We will begin with a class of OFDM-based ultra wideband systems. The standard approach uses large FFTs, which can require a significant amount of hardware resources. An attractive and flexible design alternative known as Pulsed-OFDM can achieve the same system-level performance while requiring fewer hardware resources and less power.

The performance of MIMO systems scales with the number of antennas, so extremely high throughput and/or robustness are possible. In practice, however, the design complexity also increases rapidly with the number of antennas, so it is crucial to develop efficient implementations for such systems. We will describe promising implementations of closed-loop MIMO systems which are based on the Geometric Mean Decomposition (GMD) and the Uniform Channel Decomposition (UCD).

Software defined radios provide a programmable platform in which many aspects of the communications system can be reconfigured dynamically. For example, the parameters associated with digital filters, FFTs and interleavers can be adjusted in order to implement a new data rate, modulation scheme or detection algorithm. In addition, the interconnections between functional units can be altered to implement various data flow requirements. Programmable functional units and network-on-chip architectures will be described to address these issues.

ICS Seminar: Prof. Sanjit Seshia

Posted on April 9, 2010

Prof. Sanjit Seshia
UC Berkeley
Thursday, April 15, 2:00pm, ENS 637

Integrating Induction and Deduction for Verification and Synthesis

Despite impressive advances in formal methods over the last few decades, some problems in automatic verification and synthesis remain challenging. Examples include the analysis and synthesis of hybrid systems with non-linear dynamics, and the verification of quantitative properties of software such as execution time. In this talk, I will present a new approach to automatic verification and synthesis based on a combination of inductive methods (learning from examples), and deductive methods (based on logical inference and abstraction). Our methods combine techniques such as satisfiability solving and theorem proving (SAT/SMT), learning polyhedra, numerical simulation, and fixpoint computation. I will illustrate this combination of inductive and deductive methods for three problems: (i) the synthesis of hybrid automata with non-linear dynamics; (ii) program synthesis applied to malware deobfuscation, and (iii) the verification of execution time properties of embedded software.

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