ICS Seminar: Mehdi Tahoori
Date: Feb. 21th, 11am
Location: ACE 6.336
Crosslayer Soft Error Analysis: From Circuit Layout to Application Software
Radiation-induced Soft errors are major reliability concerns in systems manufactured at nanoscale technology nodes. This is mostly due to increased number of devices per system, as a side effect of Moore¹s law, and increased chance of multiple upsets, resulting in multiple errors, because of smaller geometries. Between the particle strike on the silicon substrate and its
effect as a system failure, there are various levels of error propagation and masking. These factors need to be quantified in details to accurately account for system reliability and also identify the most vulnerable components in the overall hardware-software design stack for cost-effective reliability improvement. In this talk I will discuss a cross-layer approach for soft
error modeling and propagation by considering various factors from circuit layout all the way to the software application.
Mehdi Tahoori, is professor and Chair of Dependable Nano-Computing (CDNC) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany since 2009. Before that he was an associate professor of ECE at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2003 and 2002, respectively. He has been on the organizing and technical program committee of various design automation, test, and dependability conferences such as DATE, ICCAD, ITC, ETS, GLSVLSI, DSN, and IOLTS. He has organized various workshops, panels, tutorials and special session in major design and test conferences, such as DATE, ICCAD, and VTS. He is an associate editor of ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies for Computing. He was the recipient of NSF CAREER Award.